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The application of food grade hose in cream and cheese processing

In cream cheese processing plants, the application scenarios of hoses are rich and varied. They are like the “veins” on the production line, transporting various raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products to various links. The following...

What certificates does food grade silicone hose have

Nowadays, with the process of tech and living standards, more and more fake and shoddy products have appeared on the market. As a result, people now have huge doubts about things on the market. I don’t know if I am eating healthily or doing clean things. In fact, the...

Be careful when using a food grade rubber tubing

Recent years, the industry level constantly improves. While the food processing has become more and more simple. During the food process, it is transported through food grade rubber tubing. Therefore, this kind of hose plays a very important role in the process of...

Why we need a dairy hose

Dairy hose, from the name we can know its usage. It’s a food hose that conveys milk, lipid fluids and other beverages. However, it is precisely because the objects it serve are special. So people more and more focus on its safety and hygiene. Then what are the...
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